Sunday, July 20, 2014

The second tool that I would like to share with you is Quizlet.  The beauty of this website is the amount of material that is already created and shared for free.  Actually, this is one of the few websites that I would seriously consider buying a license for because it costs only $15/year.  In fact, as the purchaser for the math department, I could easily purchase this software for any teacher that would like it in the math department.

The features of Quizlet also make it exciting in addition to the amount of pre-made material.  For example, a teacher can set up a site for an unlimited number of classes and use features such as voice recording and image uploading with the paid account.  Imagine posting a homework assignment with voice instructions and with 20 questions that are already created, and receiving the results in a tidy report without even having to scan a single scan tron!  A link to this fantastic tool can be found here.

An excellent screencast video is below and can also be found on YouTube.  

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like something I would use with my students. They loved taking the VBS Quiz from another class and said it was more fun taking a quiz on the computer. What is the report like that you receive? What information is given? Are there ways to analyze the results other than a final percentage?
